Do I Have PTSD?


The following questions are meant as a tool to assist you in determining if you may be suffering from PTSD symptoms. This is in no way a clinical diagnosis.

  1. Have you been through an event or experience that made you feel unsafe or caused you to fear for your or someone else’s life?

  2. Do you experience flashbacks or distressing daydreams about the negative event(s) you experienced?

  3. Do you have frequent nightmares or night terrors?

  4. Do you find yourself dissociating (feel detached from your environment, the people around you, or your body) frequently?

  5. Do you find yourself avoiding people, places, things, or situations that remind you of what happened, so you do not have to think about it?

  6. Do you feel unsafe and fearful in new environments or around people you don’t know well?

  7. Do you experience ruminating thoughts or find yourself repeatedly playing out the event(s) in your mind?

  8. Are you struggling with negative beliefs about yourself (e.g., “I am powerless,” “I am not safe,” “I am weak,” “I am not enough,”)?

  9. Are you struggling with feelings of guilt, shame, anger, irritability, sadness, hopelessness, helplessness, or other negative emotions?

  10. Are you struggling with unwanted behaviors? (e.g., isolating yourself, lashing out at others)

  11. Do you struggle with uncomfortable physical sensations, such as muscle tension, elevated heart rate, excessive sweating, chest tightness, headaches, or stomach upset?

  12. Do you startle easily and/or assess your environment for an escape route wherever you are?


If you answered yes to three or more of these questions, it is possible that you are suffering from PTSD symptoms.

In order to get an accurate diagnosis you must be assessed by clinical professional. Find out more information about PTSD and treatment on


If you are suffering from PTSD symptoms and are ready to start healing, therapy can help.

At Trauma Counseling of Florida, our therapists specialize in treating symptoms caused by PTSD and traumatic incidents. Read more about our services or reach out today.

For more external resources including helplines for veterans and abuse click here.


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